Proven Tactics to Retain Clients and Grow Your Webflow Agency

September 4, 2024
Agency Insights

Discover proven strategies to retain clients and ensure the long-term success of your Webflow agency. Keep your projects and profits flowing!

Table of Contents

As a Webflow agency, you need to build a long-term relationship with your clients. In addition to enhancing your agency’s expertise, the client base keeps your sails firmly in your hand. 

Once you have successfully brought your client on board and the project is in full swing, you should think about how you can retain your client. 

Because let’s face it, many Webflow projects are short-term, and once you've completed them, your client is likely to jump ship. 

But not if you set up the right retention stage! In this article, we'll explore how you can retain a client keeping your client base consistent and strong.

Why is client retention key to your agency's success?

The beauty of new clients and fresh projects where you can show off your creative skills is irreplaceable. 

But if you want your agency to succeed, you need to broaden your perspective on building lasting relationships. With the Webflow market saturated and new agencies popping up almost daily, it can be a race against other agencies to win new clients. 

This is especially the case if you're new to the game and looking to break into the Webflow scene. Once you have your ideal client on board, you need to develop a strategy on how to retain them. 

Still wondering why you need to think about how to keep your client? Well, check the points below!

More Webflow projects

After the project is delivered, there’s still some room for improvements and additional help in the maintenance phase.

Consistent workflow

Attracting new clients, while you retain old ones will give your agency consistency in the workflow.

Making long-term plans

When you don’t always have to worry about getting new clients, you can focus on other important things like upgrading your expertise and more.

Besides these things, more benefits suggest you master client retention skills. Some of them are:

  • Happy clients you work with in the long run will surely spread the word about your magnificent collaboration.
  • You will always have positive reviews and testimonials.
  • Practicing your skills with long-term clients will give you more experience in their industries, positioning you as a leader.
  • The more you work with one client the more you know their brand, making your agency a perfect fit for their needs.

How to Retain Clients as a Webflow Agency

To maintain the long-term success of your Webflow agency, you should find a perfect balance between attracting new clients, and retaining new ones. 

While those two processes share some similar points, the main difference is reflected in the approach. 

With new clients, you've done the first impression act and you made a point of delivering high-quality service. But when it comes to retaining a client, the story expands a bit. 

Here are some key strategies:

Retaining strong client relationships

When the project is done, the doors aren't closed, so you may want to keep up with the relationships with the same power as you did in the beginning. 

You can strengthen clients' relationships through:

  • Honest communication: Keeping your clients informed about the project when you deliver the final version is key to open communication.
  • More personalized service: Now that you know more about your client's business, you can adjust your services and offer a more personalized approach.
  • Gain trust: When you build your relationships on honesty, while you show interest in the client's brand, you will gain trust and likely retain your client.

Ongoing delivery of exceptional work

When the curtain is down, that's certainly not your sign to stop delivering exceptional work as you did in the beginning, moreover, you need to keep the quality curve high if you want to retain a client. 

Here is how you can do it:

  • Once you've finished the project, you need to make sure that it meets the highest quality standards.
  • Keeping the project quality high, while you're staying updated on the latest Webflow features shows how professional you are.
  • While you're keeping up with everything, you need to monitor the project, and identify and resolve potential issues if they occur.

Keep going with support

After the project is done you don't want to lock yourself in a cave, and not be available for your clients. If you want to retain a client, you need to:

  • Be accessible and make it easy for your clients to reach out to you
  • Be responsive and respond to clients' questions
  • Offer ongoing support and maintenance
  • Include KPI analytics and track metrics to show how the project is performing
  • Offer loyalty programs for your long-term clients, and offer different additional benefits

Offer additional services

Expanding your Webflow agency offerings is always a good business decision. 

Once you have retained clients in your base that you provided with Webflow web design and development, and during the time you expand your offerings you can always suggest new things. 

Some of the services that you can add are Webflow SEO, content marketing, branding, and more. 

This way you have your Webflow agency growing and a safe client base that can benefit from your new offerings.

Be ready for improvement

The best thing you can do to retain clients is to constantly improve your Webflow agency. By this, we don't mean to make improvements only within your services and the work you deliver.

Moreover, you want to improve every segment - from the way you communicate to the way you foster relationships with clients. 

This can be done by getting feedback from clients and listening to what they have to say about your collaboration. Include a survey and be ready to measure the rate of overall client satisfaction.

Attracting and retaining clients is a skill

For some Webflow agencies, attracting and retaining clients comes naturally. 

Of course, you can't force a client to stay if they no longer want to collaborate. But if you have a chance to convince your client to stay in the partnership you should take that opportunity and follow client retention strategies. 

Even if in the beginning it may seem that the retention phase is far away, the sooner you start setting the stage for long-term satisfaction, the more likely you will have a solid client base.

Ivana Poposka

September 4, 2024

Five years of experience crafting captivating content with a blend of graphic design and copywriting has given me a versatile skillset you can trust. I don't just write words, I build content strategies that leverage my background in digital marketing and SEO to boost your business to the top. My mission? Creating killer content that converts. Because let's face it, giving value is the ultimate sales tool.