How To Build a Dream Team For Your Webflow Agency in 4 Steps

September 4, 2024
Agency Insights

Discover key qualities of a successful Webflow agency and build a dream team. Define your niche, include additional roles, and create a thriving agency culture.

Table of Contents

People, clients, and external collaborators come and go, but at the end of the day, you’re staying with your internal team.

The team you have within your Webflow agency is the one in charge of all of that Webflow magic you produce, and if you don’t have the right people around you long-term success may pass you by.

If you’re starting a Webflow agency, this article is for you, and if the environment of your Webflow agency isn’t meeting your expectations – read on as well.

In this article, we will reveal what are some essential qualities of a successful Webflow agency, as well as how to build a dream team for your agency.

Building a Right Webflow Team Goes Beyond Job Posting

We live in the digital age, and the remote working model has become a part of our everyday reality.

Ten years ago working remotely wasn’t so popular, but, besides hybrid working models, more and more agencies practice this type of employment.

In this type of collaboration, we had to refine our qualities, adjusting them to more unnatural working methods. Spending working hours mostly typing and facing team members via Zoom meetings.

With this in mind, not having people that share the same passion for the Webflow industry, and aren’t a great fit can lead to some of the following challenges:

  • Not being on the same page – Imagine working on a project and thoughtfully explaining the client's vision, but the designer ends up with something completely different from the initial idea. Yes, miscommunication issues can be one of the greatest obstacles when you don’t have the right team in your Webflow agency.
  • Technical troubles – If clients want some fancy custom features, and, yes, you have that service in your offerings, but your developer isn’t so familiar with that kind of stuff you can find yourself in an unenviable position.
  • Slower working process – If project management is slow, you will risk missing the deadliness, experiencing tasks getting drowned out, and constantly delaying a website launch.
  • Lost in translation – Content is one of the most important aspects if you want to sell your Webflow services, but if your content strategies don’t get your brand voice – you may find yourself lost in translation.
  • One-person magic - Having a reliable team member is perfect, but this isn’t an ideal long-term solution. If you’re relying only on one person, even if it’s a super-skilled Webflow maestro, eventually you’re risking experiencing scope creep, slow finish things, or worse their disappearance.

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Webflow Agency’s Dream Team - 4 Main Points You Must Cover

Even if the challenges we've pointed out above can happen even to an experienced Webflow agency, you can always try to do your best to gather a perfect team.

By this, we mean the following the next 4 points:

Define your field of action

Before you start forming your Webflow agency’s dream team, you will need to be clear about what will be your digital field of action.

By this, we mean to define your niche, as well as whether you will target certain industries, B2B businesses, e-commerce, startups, or enterprises, for example.

Once you have an answer in which market you want to present your Webflow agency, you will be able to identify what kind of Webflow and marketing specialists you need in your team.

Form your team

Every Webflow agency team has a Webflow designer, and Webflow developer, and these two roles will be a fundamental core of your agency.

Webflow designers will be there to turn every client’s vision into designed reality, while Webflow developers will be there to make those creations happen.

Based on the niche you want to target, now it’s the perfect time to seek someone with more specific skills or knowledge.

Include additional roles

Depending on your niche, you may want to form a team that can provide other services related to building websites.

This is especially important if you want to expand your future service offerings. This way, you will have a team that can work internally, and externally.

You may want to include:

  • SEO expert – From helping your agency to be at the top of the search engine results, to optimizing clients' websites, SEO experts should be at the core of every Webflow agency team.
  • Project manager – If you have one, or two ongoing projects, you may feel like you don’t need a project manager. But think long-term! When you have several projects, internal and external, the project manager is there to ensure perfect project flow, while keeping clients informed and caring about deadlines.
  • Marketing and sales – The sales and marketing teams are a great part of Webflow agencies, ready to generate leads, ensure proper marketing strategies, and convert visitors into paying customers.
  • Content strategists – Every website needs some well-crafted copy, so you don’t want to miss a chance to have a content strategist who will turn simple pieces into content that converts.

Build Your Agency’s culture

Having wonderful specialists and experts is just 50% of building a perfect team for your Webflow agency.

At the end of the day, not everything is about technical skill, there’s also a good part of you that will structure your agency’s culture.

  • Set up a good foundation – When you’re a part of the team you probably know that communication is everything! So from the start, you want to make sure you’ve established a solid way of information exchange – business, as well as personal.
  • Incorporate regular meetings – Regular meetings help your Webflow agency to always be on the right track. When you have regular meetings with your team you’re bridging a lot of miscommunication gaps, preventing some potential future challenges.
  • Work as a team! – Embrace Webflow’s real-time design possibilities, and explore various project management tools that will help your team always stay on the same page.
  • Learning is a part of our nature – Support your team members to further develop their Webflow skills, and always stay on the head of the learning curve.

Webflow Agencies Are Hands Full

Webflow agencies have a lot to deal with but at the end of this process - managing internal and external projects, and being true to their unique agency value while staying ahead of the evolving digital world.

But when you have the right people by your side, and by this, we mean the right Webflow agency team, you are on the great path to seeing your Webflow agency triumph.

Because, let's face it - your clients, as well as your team members, should be satisfied with their personal achievements as well as with the project results.

As we said, Webflow's agencies have a lot of work, but at the end of the day - it's worth it.

Ivana Poposka

September 4, 2024

Five years of experience crafting captivating content with a blend of graphic design and copywriting has given me a versatile skillset you can trust. I don't just write words, I build content strategies that leverage my background in digital marketing and SEO to boost your business to the top. My mission? Creating killer content that converts. Because let's face it, giving value is the ultimate sales tool.